A good morning to you all on the very chilly morning. The sun is out but it's not helping with the freezing wind blowing.
I've finally sorted out centres and pathways for my 1/2" hexies. These 3 flowers have been waiting patiently and I can now show them with centres. I read somewhere quite a while back about attaching the pathway hexies to one side of each flower and they should all slot in together. If I make the 8 cream hexies and attach to the flowers as I go then I won't get tired of making heaps of cream hexies all at the end.

As today is the 25th here in Australia, it's time to share our One Christmas Item for the month of May.
Two more Bon Bons ready to fill with goodies and gift at Christmas. I thought I'd try a green stitchery this time and am really happy with the look.

Instead of doing a Mr Linky here I'm going to add a page at the top of my blog just to share photos of everyone's Christmas Items with links to each blog. If you could leave a comment here when you have posted and/or send me a pic in an email, I'll add our photos to the May Christmas Item Page.
Happy Christmas Sewing