Yes you've read the title correctly, I've been gardening in the shower. A shower of rain that is.
I got home from work yesterday around 4pm to find that the power was off. Quite a large area was without power and they didn't have an estimated time of return. It was so overcast that the light was fading fast so we pulled out the camping gear and candles, cooked a quick meal, boiled a pot of water to add to the bath, and we were "in bed with the chooks" as the saying goes.
So this morning I've been catching up on all the things that couldn't be done last night.
Getting back to the title, it's been showering on and off this morning so inbetween showers, hubby and I headed out into the garden to take advantage of the heavy clouds promising more rain to come. We've planted two new trees, transplanted one and removed one. The plantings involved the tractor and post hole digger as the ground is so hard and stoney, so while the tractor was in the yard it was time for the removal of one tree that has struggled for too long. Hopefully transplanting the other will give it a better chance at a life.
Of course we weren't quite finished when the next shower of rain came across, but it was a pleasant change to the heat and dry.
Just thought I'd share these King Parrots with you (pictures from google). When we were having lunch today, I spotted the female heading down a hole in the tree next to the house and the male was flitting about on the branches above. Obviously a nest down there so I'll be keeping an eye out for the young.

While you're visiting, link on over to May at
Abyquilt for a smile or two at her Oct 10 post.
I spent a lovely few hours with the girls at patchwork yesterday and while I didn't actually get any sewing done, we did quite a lot of planning which involves a weekend of sewing so we're all excited about that one.
Quilting Wishes