A special thankyou to Chookyblue for taking on such a huge task. It was so much fun having a gift under the tree from a new friend.

I'm off to have a coffee so I can make it through the remainder of the day.
Quilting Wishes
PS: I've also taken the plunge and purchased some red fabrics this week (I don't have much of a stash) and am looking forwarding to making a start on 'Red Delicious'. I just can't help myself.
We had five very industrious ladies who spent a wonderful weekend sewing, chatting, relaxing and enjoying the good company.
I've still managed to read some blogs and make progess on my #1 item for Finn's Challenge. I might only manage this one, but that's better than still being on the WIP list.
The heat today is something shocking, fingers cross for some good drenching rain tonight.
I feel like there's something else I wanted to share but can't remember now, so there could be another post following soon. I'm off to prepare some hand applique for my November postcard.
Quilting Wishes
Thursday afternoon I grabbed a moment to head outside with the camera (after recharging the batteries) while waiting for the storms that just went around us. My two girls like to wander about with me and race up the trees just because they can.
DS surprised us with a visit this weekend so this morning when I wasn't required at the cattle yards, I did some baking. DS takes one cake and some biscuits back with him for the week, and I've made up a care package of biscuits to send to DD at Uni.
When I finished the ironing, I pressed some pieces of fabric ready to cut into 2.5" strips for a table topper I'm making. If I'm lucky I'll get those cut this afternoon. Another busy week ahead.
Quilting Wishes