Now I need to :-
* Thank and link my presenter ~ Thankyou Cathron
* Post the award on my blog.
* Tell 7 interesting things about myself. I've listed them below and must say I struggled.
* Nominate 7 blogs. Also listed below.
* Link those 7 blogs. My list could have been endless.
7 Interesting? things about myself.
1. My very first quilt I made is still a UFO. You can view it here.
2. I must have coffee first thing in the morning to start my day.
3. Whenever I bake, it always includes something chocolate ie cake, slice, muffins.
4. I like liver, kidney and brains but don't like tripe.
5. I was once bitten by a spider which developed into a nasty infection but thankfully antibiotics cleared it up.
6. I have to drive 2km to collect the mail, 6km to visit my neighbour and 45km to the nearest shop.
7. When I go to bed at night, no matter where my cat Fleur is, the minute I lay down, she is there ready to curl up beside me.
7 bloggers I enjoy visiting.
Marina ~ Maisie And The Boys
Shiree ~ Kiwifruit-Shiree
Narelle ~ Rells Place
Wendy ~ Sugarlane Quilts
Julie ~ Bush Baby Jag
Mona ~ Monas Hobby Blog
Francien ~ Francien-Bulldogmeis2
Enjoy visiting these beautiful bloggers and all the beautiful bloggers on my sidebar.
Happy Blog Hopping
A really happy Post, Narelle - and a great award! Will come back to browse over the recipients soon!
Hugs - Lurline♥
A well deserved award Narelle, I enjoy hopping on to your blog from time to time.
hugs - Miche'le
Congratulations on a well deserved award , liver , shudder , lol!
COngratulations on such an honor! And so deserved. HOpe that you visit me sometime. THanks for sharing!!!!
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