My body is in go slow mode at the moment. Being continually tired is hampering my sewing efforts, not to mention the housework. I'm looking forward to the easter break when I hope to get some down time and regenerate.
As for sewing I'm still working on the 4 and 9 patch floral. Tonight is "It Takes Two" night so i'll either be burying threads or joining more of the english hexagons.
We've had no landline telephone now for 2.5 weeks and it's been very frustrating to say the least. To make matters worse, mobile reception is almost nil. Thankfully I can still talk with daughter away at uni via the computer and satellites.
Snow's chick is out and about now with everyone else.
Chicky thinks it's very clever, perching up on the third rung about 1m off the ground. "Chicky" will have to do for a name until I can tell if it's hen or rooster. I'm still not sure about the previous two chicks yet but pretty sure one atleast is a rooster. The other morning there was the funniest sound coming from the henhouse, something like a sick owl. Young rooster trying to crow.

Off now to make a coffee, find a snack and do some sewing.