I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter break spent with loved ones or just relaxing doing what makes you happy.
I'm a little behind the times but here are some gifts from my birthday. DD remembered my hinting and gave me this cake stand so we promptly made a batch of patty cakes to test it out.

Kerry is helping my stash grow with these two fat 1/4's and keeping my caffine intake up with this very clever mug. It reads "a clean house is a sign of a wasted life". One of the fat 1/4's also has sayings such as "if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun!" and "a clean house is the sign of a broken sewing machine".

Being part of
Maree's Birthday Fat 1/4 Swap is a lovely way to meet new friends and receive lovely fabrics and treats. Here are the gorgeous fat 1/4's I received from the beautiful ladies in my group. A big thankyou to
Sandy, Karin and

I had to include the pretty cards too.

So with a birthday closely followed by Easter, I must admit that I've had just a little too much chocolate lately, but I'm not complaining.
We've spent the last couple of days carrying out major garden maintenance so my body is less than co-operative today, think I might have an indoors day today.