My first flower for 'One Flower Wednesday'. I have a collection of hexies already basted ... but ... I made this one right from scratch. When I decide to dip into my stash of hexies, I think I should make atleast two flowers.
Here it is with the other three flowers I had stored in a square take-away container. They've been waiting patienly for another to join them.
Your flowers look great!
I am concidering doing this - but don't know where to begin, haven't done hexies before although I have got papers and template for 1".
Also have so many other things on the boil - what to do!!!
Looking good Narelle. I pulled out more fabric with intention of preparing 2 more hexies this aftrenoon but went for a sleep instead. :)Hugs, Jeanette
your flowers are great!
They are so lovely, Narelle!
Wonderful Narelle! I love the blue centers. How happy it makes me to see all the beautiful flowers!
They are so sweet Narelle nicely put in on the lawn. I have been looking at other blogs who show hexagons and I am still not sure if I shall open my hexie box again and join the club.
Your hexies look lovely Narelle, i am working on them too right now...they are so fun to do..
greetings Francien.
Beautiful flowers!!!! I like the blue centers. I look forward to seeing more from your garden. :)
So bright and cheerful! I'm so happy that you found me so that I can now find YOU! I am off to go explore your blog! I'll be back to visit you soon.... Happy Gardening! :)
Very addictive these little flowers hihi! Love your colours! Thanks so much for becoming a follower on my blog! Till next Wednesday! Happy sewing, Daniƫlle
I love how you used two colors for the petals , really adds a nice touch .Very pretty flowers , they are fun to make aren't they ! Keep up the great work .
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