Waaaay back in January, my blogging friend Myra of Tactile Pleasures set the challenge to complete some PhD's by June 30 (Projects Half Done) and I put myself down for 3.
Now with only days to go until the deadline ... I would like to share my first PhD. (the pale blue is the bedspread underneath)

'Pond Play' is now a finished flimsy to be stored away until such time as the quilting bug comes calling. Quickly onto PhD number 2.
My aim is to get all my projects that are laying around in pieces up to being finished tops by year's end.
Now with only days to go until the deadline ... I would like to share my first PhD. (the pale blue is the bedspread underneath)
'Pond Play' is now a finished flimsy to be stored away until such time as the quilting bug comes calling. Quickly onto PhD number 2.
My aim is to get all my projects that are laying around in pieces up to being finished tops by year's end.
Well done on your finishes, still plenty of time to finish some more?
My 'puter playing up and not showing the photos. Will keep trying I just have to see the blue one.
Congratulations on your finished top. PhD sounds a bit like a medical title ;-) but apparently it helps. Very wise to try and finish all your hidden treasures this year!
Tis a wonderful quilt top Narelle! Love your fabrics!
I have the pattern book and fabrics set aside to make...one day... 8-)
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