Have you noticed that the month of June will have 5 Wednesdays? Here is a recount of the first 3.
Yesterday was Patchwork Day for our little group and we were extra lucky to have a workshop on fabric flowers. We managed to make one of everything required for a very pretty wallhanging. Now for more flowers, leaves and buds.

Then after watching MasterChef last night, I settled down for the Rugby League State of Origin with needle and thread in hand.

This red hexie flower is for the second Wednesday which I had to finish off on the Thursday.

My purple hexie had a slow start and was actually made on the Saturday but I'm counting it as my one flower for the first Wednesday of June.

While on a flower theme, this is my first Zygo plant to flower this season.

Don't forget this Friday Night is the night ... Friday Night Sew-In.
Lucky you had lovely things to entertain you while the footy was on and the Blues were getting flogged !
Seeing all the lovely hexie flowers around blogland has inspired me to get my hexie quilt out again ... one day I might even finish it LOL.
Love all your pretty flowers :o)!!!
Joy ;o)
Beautiful flowers Narelle! I LOVE the blue one.
Don't forget to sign in when you do a One Flower Wednesday post. You can find the current weeks Sign In sheet on my blog. This makes it easier for member to know who posted. You can read more about the Sign In sheet on my One Flower Wednesday information page.
Your flowers are so pretty! I love the fabrics you've used! sorry to take so long getting over to see you. I've not particapated the last two weeks, but look forward to THIS Wed.! :)
lovely blog you have...
Great blogg you have
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