
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brutus 3

Another completed Brutus stitchery. Here he is with Sue and Cynthia.

I almost had a cat-tastophy when I learnt that this particular varigated thread had been discontinued. After a few phone calls I managed to track down enough skeins to finish all the stitcheries.
What are you stitching?


Cheryll said...

What a funny (in a good way) looking couple! It brings a smile to my face just looking at them!
Well done! :)

RG said...

Cute-us Brutus :p
Good on ya Narelle!!

Scottish Nanna said...

Very cute What type of thread Is it you use?
Hugs Mary.

marina said...

Your stitchery looks so sweet in that coloured thread. It was well worth hunting for!

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

I'm glad you found more thread, they will look great!

Brigitte said...

Your stitchery is too cute. It makes me want to learn how.

Gina said...

that's cute

Love and hugs Gina xxx

Amanda said...

Lots of fun Narele. Great stuff!

Sheila said...

How cute Narelle , love these stitcheries .

Karen said...

Cute and excellent varigated thread colour!

no/tion - noun 1. a general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something 2. an opinion, view, or belief 3. a fanciful or foolish idea; whim 4. knickknacks; small articles, as buttons, thread, ribbon