
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

And The Winner Is ....

Nothing fancy here, just put all your names in a hat and DD drew out the lucky winner ......

Congratulations goes to ..... Helz ..... and thankyou ladies who left their comments.

I look forward to doing this again perhaps for my 100th blog. That could be a little way off yet. Till then I'll keep travelling the world through the land of blogs.

Quilting Wishes


chook said...

congrats to Helz on the win
hugs Beth

Helz said...

Big Smiles here Narelle... Thank You So Much for your generosity !!! Blogging Giveaways are just so much fun...

no/tion - noun 1. a general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something 2. an opinion, view, or belief 3. a fanciful or foolish idea; whim 4. knickknacks; small articles, as buttons, thread, ribbon