
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bright Spots in an Overcast Day

Where do I start? The house to myself for awhile .... jobs to be done ... sewing to be done .... hmmmmm!

A quick visit to blogland to keep up to date with what everyone is doing. Visit here at Debbie's Quilts and More for a fantastic giveaway.

I also had to take a photo of the one rose in my garden.

And while I was outside my two girls came out to join me. Soon to be curled up inside somewhere for the day. Usually on something they shouldn't be.

Here is the backing I purchased last week for 'project 1'. I'm hoping to get it pin basted today ready for quilting.

The summer swap quilt is almost finished. Just a little more quilting and then the binding. End of July is looming and there's still my chenille bag to do. Nothing like a bit of pressure to get you moving. Atleast the GST and Tax are basically done.

So ... a quick cuppa ... a quick routine job .... and sewing. This Friday is Patchwork day so roll on Friday!!

Quilting Wishes


Scottish Nanna said...

Love the photo of your rose and the pussy cats.
Hugs Mary.

chook said...

your cat is beautiful I had a torti when I was a little girl
have fun sewing
hugs Beth

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I love calico kitties! :)

Helz said...

Your Tortiseshell's brought back memories of *Sparky* who I grew up with also a tortiseshell cat! Stop by my Blog I have an Award for you...

no/tion - noun 1. a general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something 2. an opinion, view, or belief 3. a fanciful or foolish idea; whim 4. knickknacks; small articles, as buttons, thread, ribbon